Consultancy with a Mission

In addition to providing you with cost-effective, transformational support……

CubeLynx has a mission to provide employment opportunities to individuals who are neurodiverse, particularly those who are autistic.

Financial modelling is well suited to certain members of the neurodiverse community - CubeLynx is committed to utilising this untapped talent pool, providing pathways to success. Previous team members have gone on to work for large accounting firms - CubeLynx has provided the launchpad for their careers.

In London alone, there are 88,000 autistic people and only 22% of adults are in full time paid work (ONS Statistics) . Even though Autistic people have extraordinary technical and cognitive abilities, many find it difficult to find suitable opportunities in mainstream employment.

Our company aims to employ a diverse workforce, providing opportunities and the right environment to allow our employees to thrive and develop their careers.

“Creating a neurodiverse culture is central to the ethos at CubeLynx, who understand that employing people who think differently makes good business sense. They recognise that autistic people, in particular, can have skills and abilities suited to financial modelling, such as a logical thinking style and strong attention to detail.  Working with CubeLynx to recruit talented autistic candidates into an environment where they can thrive and progress has been a positive experience”

Employer Engagement Manager | The National Autistic Society

Cubelynx has been accredited by the Government as being a Disability Confident employer. In the UK there are 7.6m working age people who have a disability or health condition. We’re tapping into this talent pool.

CubeLynx encourage and promote disability across many different types of industry. Examples of our recent activities includes:

· Member of Diversity & Inclusion Task Force for IPFA, the global infrastructure & energy network.

· Chairing a Panel at a national event on promoting neurodiversity initiatives in the workplace (alongside well renowned author, AutoTrader and Ambitious About Autism).

· Encouraging other organisations to sign up to the Disability Confident Scheme.

· Speaker at National Autistic Society Workplace Summit.

· Presentations on neurodiversity to clients (eg North London Waste Authority).

· Part two D&I working groups for Ofgem.

· Agenda raising of neurodiversity in nation press, e.g.

· Community Member of Neurodiversity in Business (NiB).

· Member of Tackling Inclusion and Diversity in Energy (TIDE) group.

· Ambassador for the Diversity Project.

· Part of the advisory group for the Autistica Neurodiversity Employers Index.

· Member of The 5% Club

· Member of the Switch List